Wild Mind
programs in Latvia
Presented by guides personally trained and certified by Bill Plotkin!
Registration to our 7th Season Programs has started!
About Soulcraft
In 1979, on a solo winter ascent of an Adirondack peak, Bill Plotkin experienced a call to adventure, leading him to abandon academia in search of his true calling. Bill Plotkin is the author of Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche (an experiential guidebook), Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World (a nature-based stage model of human development through the entire lifespan), and Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche (an ecocentric map of the psyche — for healing, growing whole, and cultural transformation). He has a doctorate in psychology from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

About the venue
Retreat center “Stacija” is located in a nature park only 400 meters from the sea. It’s one of four places left in the former village of Luzna. Until 1940’s Luzna was well-established seashore village with about 40 farmsteads. Later on, during Soviet occupation, further development of village was forbidden due to it’s close location to the Baltic sea which caused Soviet fear that locals could try to use it to escape with boats to Sweden. Later on, a Soviet army checkpoint was established next to former train station. After regaining independence, vast territories of Kurzeme seaside were included into nature reserve Ovisi - with an extremely strict restrictions for building new houses and even renewing old ones.
Therefore the place has stayed untouched from massive agriculture and development. Therefore this place offers untouched nature of Kurzeme, the Baltic sea, the mouth of the River Luzna and the surrounding forests, providing a refreshment to the soul throughout the seasons. The tranquility of the people, the solitude and the closeness of nature that you will enjoy at the Luzna Station will become an unforgettable and beautiful experience to strive for. We believe that retreats held in the center are not only necessary for the people attending them, but also for the land itself to reborn and heal from military actions.
Retreat center “Stacija” offers a fully set of camping experiences. There are available pre-built tents equipped with mattresses, nightstands and light, as well as option to build your own. In the center there are showers, restrooms and dining room with a fully equipped kitchen for served dishes. Electricity for charging your gadgets is available in desired areas.
Visit www.stacija.lv for more information.