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Retreat History

What We Do

Since 2018 we are offering events led by Guides from Animas Valley Institute. 

In 2018 we had 2 events with the guides from the Animas Valley Institute (in English).

In 2019 we had 3 events with the guides from the Animas Valley Institute (in English).

In 2020 we had 9 events - 8 events with the guides from the Animas Valley Institute (in English) and 1 event in Latvian.

In 2021 we had 9 events - 7 events with the guides from the Animas Valley Institute (in English) and 2 events in Latvian.


06.02.-12.06.2023. Advanced retreat. Deepening in to earth and soul for women.

Guide: Sage Magdalene

16.04.2023 Dvēseles mākslas: Austošās dvēseles dziesma (in Latvian)

Guides: Georgs Rubenis and Raina Loka

10.06.2023. Viena diena Dvēseles mākslās: Dvēseles ceļojums vasarā (in Latvian)

Guides: Georgs Rubenis and Raina Loka

19.06.-21.06.2023. Dvēseles ilgas sapņu pasaulē. (in Latvian)

Guide: Georgs Rubenis 

26.06.-30.06.2023. Soulcentric Dreamwork Intensive

Guide: Rebecca Wildbear

02.07.-06.07.2023. Prayers in the Dark.

Guide: Rebecca Wildbear

08.07.-18.07.2023. The Spiral Journey – A Quest in the Latvian Forest

Guides: Sage Magdalene and Sara McFarland

20.07.-24.07.2023. Wild Mind Intensive

Guide: Sara McFarland

26.07.-05.08.2023. Animas Quest – Latvia

Guide: Sage Magdalene

07.08-10.08.2023. Nāves skatupunktā: Atklājot dzīves dziļumu. (in Latvian)

Guides: Georgs Rubenis and Andrejs Vasiļjevs


08.07.-10.07. 2021 Introduction to Soulcraft (in Latvian)

Guides: Georgs Rubenis and Raina Loka

12.07.-16.07. 2021 Soulcraft Intensive

Guide: Sage Magdalene

18.07.-22.07.2021 Women Entering Earth's Dream

Guide: Mary Marsden

24.07.-30.07.2021 Wild Reciprocity

Guide: Sage Magdalene

01.08-11.08. 2021 Vision Quest

Guides: Sage Magdalene and Mary Marsden

13.08.-17.08.2021 Wild Mind Intensive

Guides: Sage Magdalene, Sara McFarland and Bell Selkie Lovelock

20.08.-22.08 2021 Introduction to Soulcraft (in Latvian)

Guides: Georgs Rubenis and Raina Loka

25.08.-29.08.2021 Soulcraft Intensive

Guide: Sage Magdalene

04.09-08.09.2021 Courting the Muse - Beloved

Guide: Sage Magdalene


19.-21.06.2020 Introduction to Soulcraft (in Latvian)

Guides: Georgs Rubenis and Indulis Paics

28.06.-01.07.2020 Soulcraft Intensive

Guide: Sage Magdalene

04.07.-08.07.2020 Following the Moon Path: "Women Dreamed by Earth"

Guide: Sage Magdalene

10.-14.07.2020 Myth and the Underworld Journey: "Spider Silk in Moonlight"

Guide: Sage Magdalene

16.-20.07.2020 Wild Mind Intensive

Guide: Sage Magdalene

22.07.-01.08.2020 Vision Quest

Guide: Sage Magdalene

01.-05.09.2020 Soulcraft Intensive

Guide: Sage Magdalene

7.-11.09.2020 Soulcentric Dreamwork Intensive

Guide: Sage Magdalene

14.-18.09.2020 At Death’s Door: Soulcraft Embodiment for the Dark Night

Guide: Sage Magdalene


24.-28.07.2019 Wild Mind Intensive

Guides: Sage Magdalene and Gene Dilworth

30.07-03.08.2019 Coming Home to an Animate World: A Way of Ceremony and Conversation

Guides: Sage Magdalene and Gene Dilworth

04.-08.08.2019 Deep Imagination Intensive

Guides: Sage Magdalene and Gene Dilworth


20.-24.08.2018 Soulcraft Intensive

Guides: Brian Stafford and Sage Magdalene

25.-29.08.2018 The Way of Council and the Art of Mirroring

Guides: Brian Stafford and Sage Magdalene

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