Myth and the Underworld: Spider Silk in Moonlight. Nature-based, experience oriented retreat.
Retrīts angļu valodā
07.–11. jūlijs
Myth and the Underworld: Spider Silk in Moonlight.
Retrīts angļu valodā
At Animas Valley Institute we believe that each human being is meant to have a unique, mystical relationship with the world. This relationship is the key to the one’s soul purpose. The discovery of this particular mystical relationship with the world occurs through the underworld journey, the descent to soul. The soul tends to speak in the language of image and story, and the soul’s story is mythical and poetic. Because mainstream culture has generally forgotten mythopoetic language and meaning, it is
deeply supportive for the underworld journeyer to practice dwelling in mythological consciousness, remembering and discovering stories that tell of the meaningful relationships between humans and wild others.
For five days and four nights, we shall immerse ourselves in the deep waters of mythological consciousness. We will live encircled by the enchanted forest on the shore of the Baltic Sea.
In a place inhabited by wolf, fox, eagle, crane and snake, we will follow the descending footsteps of Parzival and Persephone, Tall Girl and Hummingbird Boy. Passing through portals, through the roots of the Tree of Life, we will go further yet, and listen for the songs and stories whispered in that other (under) world where every move holds meaning and every turning tells a tale. Tuning our senses and imaginations to the subtle storylines
of frog and wren, river and bog, beaver and swan, stars and moon, we will court the bards of myth and dreamtime, inviting the true tales that offer hints and intimations of who we are meant to be and how we are meant to live.
Imagine that each of us, should we follow spider silk and moonbeams with great care, might come upon the deep and unique story that holds a secret truth, the nested promise from which our real life must spring. We will explore sacred story through multiple practices, such as wandering, sculpting, self-designed ceremony, deep imagination, improvisational theater, and dream embodiments. Each of us will ask what deeper story awaits me in this enchanted world of wild and unbearable beauty?
When Stories nestle in the body, soul comes forth. —Deena Metzger
Mērķauditorija: cilvēki, kurus interesē izaugsme un savas iekšējās pasaules iepazīšana.
Kursu vada: Seidža Magdalēna (Sage Magdalene). Sage has a gift for hearing and reflecting the deep stories of many beings. She invites people to thresholds and opens gates between worlds. She has been an educator, artist, dancer, and gate keeper in many ecosystems. Her greatest joy is to hear and converse with the wild others: moon, spider, frog, human, river and stars. She brings a light touch and embodied wisdom to the serious work of transformation.
Norises vieta: garīgo prakšu centrs Stacija, Ventspils novada Lūžņas ciems,
Kursa maksa: EUR 1300 (ieskaitot PVN), nakšņojot teltī ar ērtu matraci
Cenā iekļautas 13 ēdienreizes.
Kursa darba kārtība
12.00 Sākums
13.00 Noslēgums