Upcoming Events
Soulcraft, Wild Mind and Vision Quest programs in Latvia.
Spiral Quest.
(Advanced Quest)
June 25, 12 PM - July 5, 1:30 PM
Nature-based, experience oriented retreat.
Guide: Sage Magdalene
Dvēseles ceļojums dabā.
June 28, 12 PM - June 30, 2 PM
Praktisks trīs dienu ievadkurss ekopsihologa Bila Plotkina izstrādātajā sevis iepazīšanas pieejā.
Guide: Georgs Rubenis
Myth and the Underworld: Spider Silk in Moonlight.
July 7, 12 PM - July 11, 1:00 PM
Nature-based, experience oriented retreat.
Guide: Sage Magdalene
Vision Quest.
July 13, 12:00 PM - July 23, 1:30 PM
Nature-based, experience oriented retreat.
Guide: Sage Magdalene
Into the Bone: Body and Soul
July 25, 12:00 PM - July 29, 1:30 PM
Nature-based, experience oriented retreat.
Guide: Doug Van Houten
Vision Quest.
July 31, 12:00 PM - Aug 10, 1:30 PM
Nature-based, experience oriented retreat.
Guide: Doug Van Houten
Rituālu gudrība: dvēseles ceļš cauri dzīves pārmaiņām
Aug 1, 12:00 PM - Aug 4, 2 PM
Kurss balstīts ASV ekopsihologa Bila Plotkina Animas ielejas institūta (Animas Valley Institute) izstrādātajā metodē - soulcraft jeb dvēseles mākslas..
Guide: Georgs Rubenis